



Russel Solomon
ラッセル・M・ソロモン氏 (2014年9月 タワーレコード渋谷店にて撮影)

追悼 タワーレコード創始者ラッセル・M・ソロモン氏へ








Russell M. Solomon, founder of Tower Records,dies at his home at the age of 92


With our heavy heart, we share the news of the passing of the founder of Tower Records, Russell M. Solomon, who died at his home on 4th March. He was 92.


"Let the brand go global, but keep the business local" - placing this as the core value, Russ produced stores in a way that valued and respected the originalities and ideas from the staff,and continued to deliver to the world, the most fun and exciting stores that magnetized everyone from music lovers to professionals.

That spirit and heart has been inherited and lies in the hearts of each and every staff member and store we have today at Tower Records Japan.

Russ last visited our store in Japan in 2014 when he was accompanied by a film crew making a documentary of the chain. After a thorough walkthrough of the store, visiting every single corner of the sales floors of our Shibuya store, Russ made the statement, "This is the best record store in the world", that remains our greatest pride today.


May his music-loving, Tower Records-loving soul rest in peace.
                                                                                     March 6th, 2018
                                                                        Tower Records Japan Inc.

掲載: 2018年03月06日 10:30