




在庫状況 について

フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2013年05月21日
国内/輸入 輸入(アメリカ盤)
レーベルHostess Entertainment
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 80371
SKU 045778037124

構成数 : 1枚
合計収録時間 : 00:38:38
The Black Keys: Dan Auerbach (vocals, guitar); Patrick Carney (drums). Principally recorded at Studio 45, Akron, Ohio. While the vast majority of post-punk bands who have an obvious taste for the blues seem to enjoy taking the style apart and messing around with the bits and pieces, the Black Keys are the (relative) traditionalists within the subgenre. With their two-piece, no-bass format, there's no room for clutter or wank, and the raunchy fuzz of Dan Auerbach's guitar (and drummer Patrick Carney's production) owes more to the Gories/Blues Explosion/White Stripes school of aural grime than anything else, but look past all that and the Black Keys are a straight-up blues band who could probably cut an album for Alligator if they were willing to clean up their act and fill out the lineup. And Alligator would doubtless be glad to have 'em -- the Black Keys's wail is hot, primal, and heartfelt, and Auerback's lean but meaty guitar lines and room-filling vocals drag the blues into the 21st century through sheer force of will without sounding like these guys are in any way mocking their influences. In short, if you're looking for irony, you're out of luck; if you want to hear a rock band confront the blues with soul, muscle, and respect, then Thickfreakness is right up your alley. Points added for the fact that the Black Keys performed, recorded, and produced Thickfreakness all by their lonesome in a single day -- further proof these guys are not messing around. ~ Mark Deming
録音 : ステレオ (Studio)

  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.

      アーティスト: The Black Keys

    2. 2.
      Hard Row

      アーティスト: The Black Keys

    3. 3.
      Set You Free

      アーティスト: The Black Keys

    4. 4.
      Midnight In Her Eyes

      アーティスト: The Black Keys

    5. 5.
      Have Love Will Travel

      アーティスト: The Black Keys

    6. 6.
      Hurt Like Mine

      アーティスト: The Black Keys

    7. 7.
      Everywhere I Go

      アーティスト: The Black Keys

    8. 8.
      No Trust

      アーティスト: The Black Keys

    9. 9.
      If You See Me

      アーティスト: The Black Keys

    10. 10.
      Hold Me in Your Arms

      アーティスト: The Black Keys

    11. 11.
      I Cry Alone

      アーティスト: The Black Keys


アーティスト: The Black Keys

プロデューサー: Patrick Carney


発売・販売元 提供資料(2013/04/04)

Rolling Stone (4/17/03, p.103) - 3 stars out of 5 - "Ohio's Black Keys specialize in a sort of garage blues--abbreviated gasps of vocal hurt, feedback-y guitar and unhinged snares..." Q (01/01/04, p.76) - Ranked #31 in Q's "The 50 Best Albums of 2003" - "[A] sweaty, thrilling delight, with songs dipped in tar..." Mojo (Publisher) (01/01/04, p.56) - Ranked #40 in Mojo's "The Best of 2003" - "Like Free jamming with Jon Spencer, this is a gnarled, righteous triumph."

While the vast majority of post-punk bands who have an obvious taste for the blues seem to enjoy taking the style apart and messing around with the bits and pieces, the Black Keys are the (relative) traditionalists within the subgenre. With their two-piece, no-bass format, there's no room for clutter or wank, and the raunchy fuzz of Dan Auerbach's guitar (and drummer Patrick Carney's production) owes more to the Gories/Blues Explosion/White Stripes school of aural grime than anything else, but look past all that and the Black Keys are a straight-up blues band who could probably cut an album for Alligator if they were willing to clean up their act and fill out the lineup. And Alligator would doubtless be glad to have 'em -- the Black Keys's wail is hot, primal, and heartfelt, and Auerback's lean but meaty guitar lines and room-filling vocals drag the blues into the 21st century through sheer force of will without sounding like these guys are in any way mocking their influences. In short, if you're looking for irony, you're out of luck; if you want to hear a rock band confront the blues with soul, muscle, and respect, then Thickfreakness is right up your alley. Points added for the fact that the Black Keys performed, recorded, and produced Thickfreakness all by their lonesome in a single day -- further proof these guys are not messing around. ~ Mark Deming

bounce (C)石田 英稔
タワーレコード(2003年12月号掲載 (P89))


今やグラミーの常連となった彼らがブルースの名門Fat Possumからリリースした2ndアルバム。地元アクロンの廃工場や自宅地下室でライブ・レコーディングされたローファイでジャンクなサウンドと、引きずるようなグルーヴがもう最高!このタフなロックンロールをボンヤリした風貌の二人が真顔でしれっとカマしちゃうんだからクールすぎるでしょ!この頃のサウンドの方が好みです~。
2020/04/28 サバさん

