After the release of Gods Favorite Customer in 2018, Josh Tillmans rakish Father John Misty persona mysteriously vanished from the public sphere. No longer a frequently entertaining/self-annihilating pull-quote machine, FJM let the music do the talking on 2022s divergent Chloe and the Next 20th Century, a bold and often beautiful set of songs steeped in Old Hollywood bombast, 70s singer/songwriter philosophizing, and Lynch-ian surrealism. Mahashmashana, which takes its name from a Sanskrit word meaning "great cremation ground," offers a more concise evisceration of the self than its predecessor, administering the same musical opulence while digging deeper into themes of ego death and existentialism. Both philosophies loom large in the nearly ten-minute title track, a gorgeous, midtempo pop hymn reminiscent of George Harrisons "All Things Must Pass" and "Isnt It a Pity" that sees Tillman offer up the koan "Mahashmashana/All is silent/And in the next universal dawn/Wont have to do the corpse dance with these arms" before being swept away in a heavenly, saxophone-generated rogue wave. The equally transcendent "Screamland" follows a similar trajectory but with a more contemporary flair that suggests Phoebe Bridgers "I Know the End" by way of the Killers. 1970s pop and soft rock have always been driving forces in the FJM oeuvre, but never have they been applied as confidently or bereft of a wink as they are on the wry, Nilsson-esque "Mental Health," the swaggering disco banger "I Guess Time Just Makes Fools of Us All," or the smoky, lava lamp-lit "Being You" -- credit to frequent collaborator Drew Erickson, whose sympathetic string arrangements find the sweet spot between Wally Stott (Scott Walker) and Max Steiner (RKO Radio Pictures). Mahashmashana, despite its weighty poeticism and nostalgic sonic grandeur, feels rooted in the here and now. Tillman is still a keen and sardonic observer of the human condition, but here he directs the proceedings with a gravitas that finally feels earned. ~ James Christopher Monger
絶大な人気を誇る米メリーランド出身のシンガー・ソングライター。前作『Chloe And The Next 20th Century』(2022年)はジャズやカントリーの影響を感じさせるノスタルジックな内容に驚かされたが、この6作目ではその雰囲気を残してブルージーな感覚を加えつつ、本来のフォーキーな音楽性に回帰。いままで以上にピュアでエモーショナルなメロディーと歌声に加え、前作に続いて参加したドリュー・エリクソン(ラナ・デル・レイなど)によるストリングスとホーンを多用した華麗なアレンジも素晴らしく、作品全体にこれまでにはない筋の通った力強さがある。彼の持つ繊細さとダイナミックさが同居した傑作だ。
bounce (C)赤瀧洋二