エドガー・モローは1994年パリ生まれ。4歳でチェロを、6歳でピアノを始めます。パリ国立高等音楽院でフィリップ・ミュレールに、ドイツのクロンベルク・アカデミーでフランス・ヘルメルソンに師事。2011年国際チャイコフスキー・コンクール第2位、2014年ヤング・コンサート・アーティスツ国際オーディション第1位、2013年と2015年にヴィクトワール・ド・ラ・ミュージック・クラシックを受賞、2017年には ECHO ライジングスターに選ばれました。これまでに数多くの一流指揮者、オーケストラ、室内楽奏者と共演を重ね、世界各地の音楽祭に招かれています。2023年秋からパリ国立高等音楽院のチェロ教授を務めています。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/09/13)
"Rococo" isnt a word used so often anymore in connection with music; it describes an 18th century aesthetic characterized by light, decorative, perhaps frilly qualities. Seeing the word as the title of this recital by cellist Edgar Moreau makes you wonder if the album is intended to be an exploration of the rococo concept throughout history. Thats not the case: the title refers only to Tchaikovskys Variations on a Rococo Theme for cello and orchestra, Op. 33. Chopins Cello Sonata, Op. 65, follows and is anything but rococo; its a taut, complex performance, with pianist David Kadouch a committed partner, that does better than most in bringing out the strangeness and daring of this late Chopin work. But the Tchaikovsky may be enough to justify the title. This is one of the great light Tchaikovsky works, and its well-suited to Moreaus melodically rich, lyrical style. Hes elegantly backed by the Luzerner Sinfonieorchester and conductor Michael Sanderling, and one of the variations, the third (Andante sostenuto), has even achieved a measure of virality in this streaming-happy age. The program closes with a half-dozen short pieces for cello and piano; again, they are not particularly rococo, but most listeners will find something to repeat here from among Moreaus relaxed and rather charmed performances. Sample Dvořaks famed Humoresque, Op. 101, No. 7, in its arrangement by Fritz Kreisler. This is a consistently pleasing release with convincing performances of two very different repertory standards. ~ James Manheim