のちにFred NeilやNick Caveに愛され、Bob Dylanをして 「NYグリニッチ・ヴィレッジ・シーン創世期の僕のフェイヴァリット・シンガー」 「Billie Holidayのような歌声とJimmy Reedのようなギタープレイ」 と言わしめたシンガー・ソングライター、Karen Dalton。
普通のSSW好きに人気なのはもちろんこの後のリリースとなる2ND "IN MY OWN TIME "でしょう。しかしことアシッドの香りを求める好事家に根強い人気を保っているのはこの1STなのです。冒頭のFred Neil曲 "LITTLE BIT OF RAIN" やTim Hardinの "HOW DID THE FEELING FEEL TO YOU" など取上げる曲をことごとく自分のものにしてしまう強力な声と歌い方。フォークというよりジャズやブルースのルーズさを感じるギター・プレイ (本作では12弦ギターを弾いてます)。2NDには無い暗さと緊張感を堪能出来る名盤。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2024/01/26)
Some find Karen Dalton's voice difficult to listen to, and despite the Billie Holiday comparisons, it is rougher going than Lady Day. But Dalton's vocals aren't that hard to take, and they are expressive; like Buffy Sainte-Marie, it just does take some getting used to because of their unconventional timbre. Her debut album has a muted folk-rock feel reminiscent of Fred Neil's arrangements in the mid-'60s, unsurprising since Neil's Capitol-era producer, Nick Venet, produced this disc too, and since Dalton, a friend of Neil, covered a couple of Neil songs here ("Little Bit of Rain," "Blues on the Ceiling"). Although clocking in at a mere ten songs, it covers a lot of ground, from Tim Hardin, Jelly Roll Morton, and Leadbelly to the traditional folk song "Ribbon Bow" and the Eddie Floyd/Booker T. Jones-penned soul tune "I Love You More Than Words Can Say." The record is interesting and well done, but would have been far more significant if it had come out five years or so earlier. By 1969 such singers were expected to write much of their own material (Dalton wrote none), and to embrace rock instrumentation less tentatively. ~ Richie Unterberger