Following her dark second album Mistaken Identity, and the tumultuous events that ensued during the recording of it, 22-year-old Delta Goodrem came back with her self-titled third album, Delta, more mature and classy than ever. From the cover of the disc to the content of its lyrics, Goodrem has grown quite a bit in the few, young years which troubled her prior to this release. Her voice is still crystalline and fierce, and her breezy personality still shimmers on the many tracks, which are mostly jovial and refreshing. Delta is an album much more reminiscent of her first album than her second, which is a smart move by her production team. The main difference between the first and third album, however, is the quality of song. On Innocent Eyes, the tracks were earnest and raw, with Goodrem's voice illuminating and sparkling over live instruments. On the flip side, Delta is a slicker production overall, with many of the songs well-oiled and ready for mainstream radio. While in some cases the transition is welcome (including the dancefloor prepped "You Will Only Break My Heart"), on others Goodrem seems to be branching out into unfamiliar territory that doesn't fully suit her. The only negative trait that might occur because of the transition to a more mainstream audience is Goodrem's ability to stand out, but her level of talent and charm might get her over that hurdle with grace. It's on tracks like "In This Life" and "Brave Face" that Goodrem sounds her best; the drums and strings allow her voice to soar to new heights (whereas the synthesized beats on other tracks limit her to certain capacities). The true, poignant ballads are slightly scarcer on this disc, although because they are rarer, they are more satisfying when they come. "The Guardian" is a breath of classic, fresh Delta Goodrem (which may be why it's not on the American release of the album), and the midtempo anthem "Woman" rips into Goodrem's more sensitive side. Overall, Delta is a mostly consistent sampling of a new, mature, smoothed out Goodrem, whose new vocal explorations with minor digital enhancements make her welcome by an even broader pop audience. Even if it isn't always classic Delta; everyone can use a little change. ~ Matthew Chisling
bounce (C)村上 ひさし
タワーレコード(2008年03月号掲載 (P65))