Shortly after Photay made an appearance on Carlos Nino & Friends Bliss On Dear Oneness album, the producers began working on material together. Photay sent initial ideas to Nino, and the two passed various mixes back and forth, adding contributions from their circle of friends and collaborators. The resulting album, An Offering, is an intimate, multi-layered meditation on life, nature, and existence. The two artists weave the sounds of rain and waterfalls together with acoustic instruments, synthesizers, and electronic processing, focusing on ethereal yet natural-sounding textures. Randal Fishers saxophone playing is arranged into aural cascades, and Mikaela Davis harp sounds crisp and upfront in the mix, like observing a magnificent, unique plant up close. Photays beats and electronic pulsations are used sparingly, but they do make an impact, with the cosmic whooshes of "E X I S T" signaling that something momentous is happening. Mostly, though, the music is there to help you stop and reflect. "M O S A I C" features simple, chiming melodies standing out as layered pianos, choral arrangements, and swerving electronics flow past. "O R B I T" is simply a stunning vista of rolling ambient textures, ever glowing and basking in sunlight. The final track, "E X I S T E N C E," features a spoken performance by new age pioneer Iasos, who reminds you that youve always existed, you always will exist, and there is only the eternal now, during which everything is happening simultaneously in an infinite number of dimensions. The only thing you need to do is relax and enjoy the show. ~ Paul Simpson