His Name Is Aliveの貴重な初期未発表音源集3部作を全収録し更にボーナスディスクを加えた4枚組CDも同時リリース!
初期〈4AD〉サウンドの流れを汲みながら、同レーベルを代表するバンドThis Mortal CoilへのUSからの返答とも評されたWarren Defever率いるHis Name Is Aliveの4枚組60曲入りアンソロジーが発売決定!
ヴァイナルで再発された初期音源3部作のCDに加え、ボーナスディスクCD、36ページのブックレットが付属。ボーナスディスクには、ヴァイナルに数量限定のバンドルとして発売されたカセット3タイトル『6Teen OK』、『Return Versions』、『Ghost Tape EXP』の中から選りすぐりの曲が収録されている。
また、ブックレットはMy Bloody ValentineやGalaxie 500に関する書籍の著者であるMike McGonigalによる各LPについての解説とDefeverの美しい家族写真が収録された全36ページとなっている。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2021/01/07)
Disciples series of archival His Name Is Alive releases reclaimed the projects early ambient works in a beautiful and carefully considered way, and A Silver Thread: Home Recordings 1979-1990 is no exception. A set collecting all three volumes of the series plus bonus material, it spans the dreamy flow and slowly shifting textures of All the Mirrors in the House, which gathered some of Warren Defevers earliest experiments with piano, guitar, a well-used echo pedal, and a four-track recorder; Return to Never (Home Recordings 1979-1986, Vol. 2), which incorporated more rough-edged sounds as well as transfixing ambiances; and Hope Is a Candle: Home Recordings 1985-1990, which foreshadowed the mercurial dream pop of officially released albums like 1990s Livonia. Fans who didnt keep up with the companion mixtapes of reimagined material from the series will be especially interested in the sets selection of tracks from 6Teen OK, Return Versions, Versions Returned, and Ghost Tape EXP. The weightless beauty of 6teen Secrets and the juxtaposition of cheerleaders and drones on 6Teen Cheers make for some of the highlights from 6Teen OKs blend of soundscapes and 1980s radio recordings, while In the Great Night and My Heart Will Go Out from Ghost Tape EXP give a satisfying sense of closure with their vast sweep. The most exciting tracks, however, might be from Return Versions, a mixtape of dubbed-out reworkings featuring beats by Walking Trails. On pieces such as Vision Return and To Remember Vision, the producer lets the wide-open spaces of the original tracks resonate in entirely new ways that still feel true to the heart of the music. Taken together with the booklet featuring essays about the album as well as early photos of His Name Is Alive, A Silver Thread is a fascinating artifact as well as a fine example of the ongoing creative dialogue Defever has always had with his music. ~ Heather Phares