「ROCKSTAR (Feat. Roddy Ricch)」が7週連続全米シングルチャート1位を記録した、いま一番注目のヒップホップアーティストの最新アルバム!
発売・販売元 提供資料(2020/09/16)
North Carolina rapper DaBaby rocketed from up-and-comer status directly into the pop culture mainstream somewhere around the release of his 2019 major-label debut, Baby on Baby. A combination of irreverent charm, charismatic swagger, and raw talent for energetic flows gelled on singles like Suge, and took DaBaby to viral success. In just over a year since Baby on Baby brought DaBaby legions of new listeners, he moved at a staggering pace, releasing second studio album Kirk six months later, appearing in countless features on other artists tracks, and then issuing third album Blame It on Baby roughly seven months after the appearance of Kirk. Over the course of Blame It on Babys 13 tracks, DaBaby falls back on his formula approach for the most part, but he also tries some new styles. Pushy trap beats and high-energy flows full of confidence, lighthearted bragging, and humor are what DaBaby is known best for, and those elements make up tracks like Jump, Pick Up, and Cant Stop. Ashanti and Megan Thee Stallion show up for top-notch X-rated sex rhymes and a slick vocal hook on the appropriately titled Nasty. All of this is business as usual, but DaBaby switches from rapping to singing on more emotionally driven songs like Rockstar and Drop. The standout production of Find My Way makes for an interesting instrumental, and this tracks hybrid of singing and rapping allows a new perspective on DaBabys charismatic lyricism. ~ Fred Thomas
2019年メジャー・デビューを果たして一気にシーン最前線へ浮上し、数々の客演でさらにその名を上げてきたノースカロライナのラッパー、ダベイビーの約半年ぶりの新作。フューチャーやクエイヴォら前作『Kirk』に続いて豪華ゲスト勢が名を連ね、独特なダミ声とクセの強めなフロウで圧倒的なインパクトを残すラップがキモとなり、センスの良いトラック選びで多彩なサウンドを揃えながらもブレは一切ナシ。ヤング・サグらメロディアスなスタイルの客演陣との絡みではよりいっそうラッパーとしてのキャラの強さを感じられ、なかでもロディ・リッチとのコラボ曲"Rockstar"はアルバムと並んで全米No.1を記録済み。ブラック・ライヴズ・マター運動にインスパイアされて歌詞を書き直した同曲の〈BLM Remix〉も収録。
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