
Back Roads And Abandoned Motels






在庫状況 について


フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2018年07月13日
国内/輸入 輸入(ヨーロッパ盤)
レーベルLegacy Recordings
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 19075841402
SKU 190758414027

構成数 : 1枚
合計収録時間 : 00:45:38
Personnel: Gary Louris (vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitar); Karen Grotberg (vocals, piano, keyboards); Tim O'Reagan (vocals, drums, percussion); John Jackson (acoustic guitar, mandolin, violin); Ed Ackerson (percussion). Audio Mixer: Guy Massey. Recording information: Flowers Studio, Minneapolis. Photographer: Charlie Pine. Back Roads and Abandoned Motels is an album by the Jayhawks featuring a set of songs written by the group's guitarist, singer, and frontman, Gary Louris...except they're not exactly Jayhawks songs. When he's not busy with the band, Louris has a sideline collaborating on tunes with other writers for other artists, and it's that body of work that the Jayhawks tackle on this album. Nine of Back Roads and Abandoned Motels' 11 tracks are numbers he wrote in tandem with members of the Dixie Chicks ("Everybody Knows," "Bitter End," and "Come Cryin' to Me"), Jakob Dylan ("Gonna Be a Darkness"), Scott Thomas ("Need You Tonight"), Carrie Rodriguez ("El Dorado"), Ari Hest ("Bird Never Flies"), Emerson Hart of Tonic ("Long Time Ago"), and the members of Wild Feathers ("Backwards Women"). One of the consequences of this is though these songs all carry a bit of Louris' lyrical and melodic stamp, they also have a somewhat different personality than much of his music, and that gives this album a slightly cooler and less cohesive feel than the average Jayhawks LP. ("Carry You to Safety" and "Leaving Detroit," which Louris wrote on his own, fit a bit more easily.) Louris also hands two lead vocals over to keyboard player Karen Grotberg ("Come Cryin' to Me," where she's a dead ringer for Aimee Mann, and "El Dorado"), while drummer Tim O'Reagan steps to the mike for "Gonna Be a Darkness" and "Long Time Ago." Having established what sets this apart from a common, garden-variety Jayhawks set, the big question is, is Back Roads and Abandoned Motels any good? The answer is a decisive yes -- despite the shifting outlook of the songwriting, the performances are sturdy and evocative throughout, revealing how well these musicians work with one another as they make the most of the dynamics of this subtle but resonant music. And vocalists Louris, Grotberg, and O'Reagan are all in superb form here, hitting their marks beautifully. In fact, after the experimentalism of 2016's Paging Mr. Proust, Back Roads and Abandoned Motels will certainly please more traditional-minded Jayhawks fans, as it often recalls the low-key pleasures of 2003's Rainy Day Music. The best songs on Back Roads and Abandoned Motels are a lovely reminder of what the Jayhawks have been doing so well for over 30 years, and if this album might make one wonder if Gary Louris is running low on songwriting ideas, he still leads a band to be reckoned with. ~ Mark Deming

  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      Come Cryin' to Me
    2. 2.
      Everybody Knows
    3. 3.
      Gonna Be a Darkness
    4. 4.
      Bitter End
    5. 5.
      Backwards Women
    6. 6.
      Long Time Ago
    7. 7.
      Need You Tonight
    8. 8.
      Dorado, El
    9. 9.
      Bird Never Flies
    10. 10.
      Carry You to Safety
    11. 11.
      Leaving Detroit


アーティスト: The Jayhawks


95年発表の名作『Tomorrow the Green Grass』でアメリカン・ルーツ・ロック好きから絶大なる信頼を得ている彼らの約2年ぶりの新作。残念ながら、初期メンバーのマーク・オールソンは不在ながら、あの甘くノスタルジックなジェイホークス・マナーのメロディは健在。ディクシー・チックスでもヒットした(2)、ワイルド・フェザーズとの共作(5)など、思わずガッツポーズの会心作。
(C)吉祥寺店:狩野 卓永

ザ・ジェイホークスは、1985年にマーク・オルソン(vo, g)、ゲイリー・ルーリス(vo, g)を中心にミネアポリスで結成された4人編成のバンド。カントリーやフォークのエッセンスを漂わせながらアメリカのルーツ・ロックを最新の形で現代に甦らせて人気を得てきた。特に‘95年作『トゥモロー・ザ・グリーン・グラス』は、彼らの最高傑作であるだけでなく、90年代のアメリカンロックを代表する一枚として知られている。今作『Back Roads And Abandoned Motels』は、ゲイリー・ルーリスが手掛けた曲を中心に組まれており、新曲だけでなくディクシー・チックスとの(2)や(4)、ジェイコブ・ディランとの(3)等の共作をバンド・ヴァージョンで再演して収録。バラエティに富んだ内容ながら、廃れる事のないアメリカン・ロックの魂が息づく作品となった。アルバム・ジャケットは映画監督ヴィム・ヴェンダースの撮影によるもの。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2018/05/18)

bounce (C)赤瀧洋二



