It may or may not be the business of the future to be dangerous, but it certainly is the business of Hawkwind to do the unexpected on this album. This disc seems to be the group's effort to merge trance/ambient/techno sounds with that of the space rock that they pioneered. The resulting CD is a bit sleepy, but does have its moments. "Space Is Their (Palestine)" has segments that feel a bit like Kraftwerk covering Hassan I Shaba (aka Assassins of Allah). However, at over 11 minutes those moments are stretched a bit thin. "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie" is a harder-edged cut that comes closer to Hawkwind's more typical sound, but it still feels a bit off of its mark. A highlight of the disc is "Wave Upon Wave," which has a great proggy, atmospheric texture. The track "Letting in the Past" is a truly Hawkwind space rock number based on "Hurry on Sundown." The group also tries to break some new progish territory with "Techno Tropic Zone," a cut that seems to combine the weirdness of a piece like "Sonic Attack" with those other elements. The group also puts in a unique covering of the Rolling Stones' "Gimme Shelter." This disc certainly will not go down as one of their best, but for those with a taste for the unusual it should be entertaining. ~ Gary Hill|