The Complete Christmas Celebration
Various Artists

在庫状況 について

















ユニバーサル ミュージック/IMS
発売・販売元 提供資料 (2010/09/09)

構成数 | 7枚

合計収録時間 | 00:48:40

American listeners may not find this collection of old Deutsche Grammophon and Decca releases to be quite the "complete Christmas celebration" that's promised. American Christmas carols as a group are not included, although of course some of the selections from the German and English carol discs have achieved popularity in that country. The contents are also a bit unbalanced, with the Nutcracker, in a fine recording from the Kirov Orchestra under Valery Gergiev, the only album containing music newer than the Baroque era. With these caveats in mind, this seven-CD box set offers high value for those who want to throw some CDs in a changer and keep it running through the holiday season. Recorded between 1980 and 1998, the box combines established favorites of the historical-instrument crowd, Gergiev's aforementioned Nutcracker (the most recent of the set), and stars respectively among the youth choirs of German and English cathedrals on the last two discs. These sound especially good in retrospect: the Bach Christmas Oratorio and Handel Messiah performances have been partly supplanted by newer approaches, but one comes to think that the high level of musical accomplishment among boy choirs at the end of the 20th century represents some kind of milestone. No texts and no booklet notes other than track lists are included; the track lists are simply repeated on the sleeves of the individual discs, which could easily have been given over to a few relevant words. But for those in search of a large volume of well-performed Christmas music for a low price, this fills the bill. ~James Manheim

録音 | ステレオ (Studio)


J.S.バッハ:クリスマス・オラトリオ BWV.248
イングリッシュ・バロック・ソロイスツ 指揮:ジョン・エリオット・ガーディナー

エンシェント室内管弦楽団 指揮:クリストファー・ホグウッド

サンクトペテルブルク・キーロフ歌劇場管弦楽団 指揮:ワレリー・ゲルギエフ

CD6 ドイツのクリスマス・ソング集
高き空から/おもむくがままに、天使は我々のために詠唱す/天よ、お静かに/Es bluhen die Maien/
レーゲンスブルク大聖堂少年聖歌隊 指揮:ゲオルク・ラツィンガー

CD7 イギリスのクリスマス・キャロル集
イン・ザ・ブリーク・ミッドウィンター/牧人 羊を/天には栄え/飼い葉の桶で/
ケンブリッジ・キングズ・カレッジ合唱団 指揮:ステファン・クレオバリー

    • 1.
      DISC 1:
      • 1.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 1. No. 1. Chorus. Jauchzet, frohlocket, auf, preiset die Tage
      • 2.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 1. No. 2. Recitative. Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit
      • 3.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 1. No. 3. Recitative. Nun wird mein liebster Brautigam
      • 4.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 1. No. 4. Aria. Bereite dich, Zion
      • 5.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 1. No. 5. Chorale. Wie soll ich dich empfangen
      • 6.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 1. No. 6. Recitative. Und sie gebar ihren ersten Sohn
      • 7.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 1. No. 7. Chorale. Er ist auf Erden kommen arm / Recitative. Wer will die Liebe recht erhohn
      • 8.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 1. No. 8. Aria. Grober Herr, o starker Konig
      • 9.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 1. No. 9. Chorale. Ach, mein herzliebes Jesulein
      • 10.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 2. No. 10. Sinfonia
      • 11.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 2. No. 11. Recitative. Und es waren Hirten in derselben Gegend
      • 12.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 2. No. 12. Chorale. Brich an, o schones Morgenlicht
      • 13.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 2. No. 13. Recitative. Und der Engel sprach zu ihnen / Furchtet euch nicht
      • 14.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 2. No. 14. Recitative. Was Gott dem Abraham verheiben
      • 15.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 2. No. 15. Aria. Frohe Hirten, eilt, ach eilet
      • 16.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 2. No. 16. Recitative. Und das habt zum Zeichen
      • 17.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 2. No. 17. Chorale. Schaut hin, dort liegt im finstern Stall
      • 18.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 2. No. 18. Recitative. So geht denn hin
      • 19.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 2. No. 19. Aria. Schlafe, mein Liebster, geniebe der Ruh
      • 20.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 2. No. 20. Recitative. Und alsobald war da bei denn Engel
      • 21.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 2. No. 21. Chorus. Ehre sei Gott in der Hohe
      • 22.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 2. No. 22. Recitative. So recht, ihr Engel, jauchzt und singet
      • 23.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 2. No. 23. Chorale. Wir singen dir in deinem Heer
      • 24.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 3. No. 24. Chorus. Herrscher des Himmels, erhore das Lallen
      • 25.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 3. No. 25. Recitative. Und da die Engel von ihnen gen Himmel fuhren
      • 26.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 3. No. 26. Chorus. Lasset uns nun gehen gen Bethlehem
      • 27.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 3. No. 27. Recitative. Er hat sein Volk getrost'
      • 28.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 3. No. 28. Chorale. Dies hat er alles uns getan
      • 29.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 3. No. 29. Duet. Herr, dein Mitleid, dein Erbarmen
      • 30.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 3. No. 30. Recitative. Und sie kamen eilend
      • 31.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 3. No. 31. Aria. Schliebe, mein Herze, dies selige Wunder
      • 32.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 3. No. 32. Recitative. Ja, ja, mein Herz soll es bewahren
      • 33.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 3. No. 33. Chorale. Ich will dich mit Fleib bewahren
      • 34.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 3. No. 34. Recitative. Und die Hirten kehrten wieder um
      • 35.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 3. No. 35. Chorale. Seid froh dieweil
      • 36.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 3. No. 24. Chorus (da capo). Herrscher des Himmels, erhore das Lallen
    • 2.
      DISC 2:
      • 1.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 4. No. 36. Chorus. Fallt mit Danken, fallt mit Loben
      • 2.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 4. No. 37. Recitative. Und da acht Tage um waren
      • 3.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 4. No. 38. Recitative. Immanuel, o subes Wort / Arioso. Jesu, du mein liebstes Leben
      • 4.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 4. No. 39. Aria. Flobt, mein Heiland, flobt dein Namen
      • 5.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 4. No. 40. Recitative. Wohlan, dein Name soll allein / Chorale. Jesu, meine Freud und Wonne
      • 6.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 4. No. 41. Aria. Ich will nur dir zu Ehren leben
      • 7.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 4. No. 42. Chorale. Jesus, richte mein Beginnen
      • 8.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 5. No. 43. Chorus. Ehre sei dir, Gott, gesungen
      • 9.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 5. No. 44. Recitative. Da Jesu geboren war zu Bethlehem
      • 10.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 5. No. 45. Chorus. Wo ist der neugeborene Konig der Juden / Recitative. Sucht ihn in meiner Brust
      • 11.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 5. No. 46. Chorale. Dein Glanz all Finsternis verzehrt
      • 12.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 5. No. 47. Aria. Erleucht auch meine finstre Sinnen
      • 13.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 5. No. 48. Recitative. Da das der Konig Herodes horte
      • 14.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 5. No. 49. Recitative. Warum wollt ihr erschrecken
      • 15.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 5. No. 50. Recitative. Und lieb versammeln alle Hohenpriester
      • 16.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 5. No. 51. Trio. Ach, wann wird die Zeit erscheinen?
      • 17.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 5. No. 52. Recitative. Mein Liebster herrschet schon
      • 18.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 5. No. 53. Chorale. Zwar ist solche Herzensstube
      • 19.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 6. No. 54. Chorus. Herr, wenn die stolzen Feinde schnauben
      • 20.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 6. No. 55. Recitative. Da berief Herodes die Weisen heimlich / Ziehet hin und forschet fleibig
      • 21.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 6. No. 56. Recitative. Du Falscher, suche nur den Herrn zu fallen
      • 22.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 6. No. 57. Aria. Nur ein Wink von seinen Handen
      • 23.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 6. No. 58. Recitative. Als sie nun den Konig gehoret hatten
      • 24.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 6. No. 59. Chorale. Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier
      • 25.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 6. No. 60. Recitative. Und Gott befahl ihnen im Traum
      • 26.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 6. No. 61. Recitative. So geht Genug, mein Schatz geht nicht von hier
      • 27.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 6. No. 62. Aria. Nun mogt ihr stolzen Feinde schrecken
      • 28.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 6. No. 63. Recitative. Was will der Hollen Schrecken nun
      • 29.
        Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Part 6. No. 64. Chorale. Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen
    • 3.
      DISC 3:
      • 1.
        Messiah, HWV 56: Part 1. No. 1. Sinfony
      • 2.
        Messiah, HWV 56: Part 1. No. 2. Recitative. Comfort ye my people / No. 3. Song. Ev'ry valley shall be exalted
      • 3.
        Messiah, HWV 56: Part 1. No. 4. Chorus. And the glory of the Lord
      • 4.
        Messiah, HWV 56: Part 1. No. 5. Recitative. Thus saith the Lord / No. 6. Song. But who may abide the day of his coming
      • 5.
        Messiah, HWV 56: Part 1. No. 7. Chorus. And he shall purify
      • 6.
        Messiah, HWV 56: Part 1. No. 8. Recitative. Behold, a virgin shall conceive / No. 9. Song. O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion
      • 7.
        Messiah, HWV 56: Part 1. No. 10. Recitative. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth / No. 11. Song. The people that walked in darkness
      • 8.
        Messiah, HWV 56: Part 1. No. 12. Chorus. For unto us a child is born
      • 9.
        Messiah, HWV 56: Part 1. No. 13. Pifa
      • 10.
        Messiah, HWV 56: Part 1. No. 14a. Recitative. There were shepherds, abiding in the field / No. 14b. Recitative. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them / No. 15. Recitative. And the angel said unto them / No. 16. Recitative. And suddenly there w
      • 11.
        Messiah, HWV 56: Part 1. No. 18. Song. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion
      • 12.
        Messiah, HWV 56: Part 1. No. 19. Recitative. Then shall the eyes of the blind / No. 20. Song. He shall feed his flock
      • 13.
        Messiah, HWV 56: Part 1. No. 21. Chorus. His yoke is easy, and his burthen is light
      • 14.
        Messiah, HWV 56: Part 2. No. 22. Chorus. Behold the Lamb of God
      • 15.
        Messiah, HWV 56: Part 2. No. 23. Song. He was despised
    • 4.
      DISC 4:
    • 5.
      DISC 5:
    • 6.
      DISC 6:
    • 7.
      DISC 7:
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