




在庫状況 について

フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2010年10月02日
国内/輸入 輸入
レーベルDecca (UCJ)
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 2752925
SKU 602527529257

構成数 : 1枚
合計収録時間 : 00:51:14
Personnel: Imelda May (vocals, bodhran); Darrel Higham (guitar); Dave Priseman (trumpet, flugelhorn, percussion); Al Gare (double bass, upright bass, bass guitar); Steve Rushton (drums). Audio Mixers: Gavin Goldberg; Imelda May; Darrel Higham; Andy Wright . Recording information: Embassy Studios. Illustrator: Mark Higenbottam. Photographer: Chris Clor. Imelda May's sophomore album offers more of her jazzy, unabashedly catchy retro pop, so sincere and energetic it gives many 2000s pop stars a run for their money -- though May somehow underexplores the rockabilly vibe, which is her prime gimmick, after all. Not that she abandons it: the first three cuts all sport muscular, bouncy basslines and that rock & roll sleaze that complements her powerful vocals so well. There are also "Sneaky Freak" and the closers, though, admittedly, one's a remix and the other a cover of "Tainted Love," no less: a cheeky pick that gets a great tongue-in-cheek rendition here. But all in all, it feels like May just needed to get the rock out of her system and jump into other things, just because she can. Some numbers are classic restaurant jazz, so strong and sensual that, had it been the 1930s, gangsters would have been all over her, and even Roger Rabbit would be prompted to thoughts of infidelity. There is also a waltz; a take on spy movie themes; a tune that sounds almost like a funeral song (though May can't really be depressing even if she tries; she has too much vitality); and a set of country numbers, which are the least impressive of the lot, but still have a low-key allure. The bottom line is that some of the immediacy of her rockabilly jazz is lost once she goes for romance and seduction, but Mayhem is still a fresh, invigorating record that is worth picking up, no matter what your musical convictions are; it's that good. ~ Alexey Eremenko
録音 : ステレオ (Studio)

  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      Pulling The Rug
    2. 2.
    3. 3.
    4. 4.
      Kentish Town Waltz
    5. 5.
      All For You
    6. 6.
    7. 7.
      Inside Out
    8. 8.
      Proud And Humble
    9. 9.
      Sneaky Freak
    10. 10.
      Bury My Troubles
    11. 11.
      Too Sad To Cry
    12. 12.
      I'm Alive
    13. 13.
      Let Me Out
    14. 14.
      Tainted Love


アーティスト: Imelda May


2009年のメジャー・デビュー後、ジェフ・ベックとツアーを敢行、ジェフ・ベックのアルバム『Emotion & Commotion』にもゲスト参加、2010年のグラミー賞でも伝説のミュージシャン、レス・ポ-ルのトリビュート・パフォーマンスで共演し、世界中で話題となったダブリン出身のロカビリー・スウィンギン・シンガー、イメルダ・メイ待望のセカンド・アルバム。ブルース/ロカビリー/ジャズ/ゴスペルに多大な影響を受けた音楽スタイル、ブロンド混じりの黒髪をカールした前髪の鶏冠がトレードマークのヘア・スタイルも含め、'50年代を髣髴させるグラマラスなファッションで多くの人を魅了する!注目の本作は、1曲以外は全て自身によるオリジナル。初期のPJ・ハーヴェイ風あり、クリッシー・ハインド風あり、ロカビリー・サウンドから、80年代ソフト・セルのカヴァーで知られる「Tainted Love」カヴァーなどを収録。
発売・販売元 提供資料(2010/09/08)

Spin (p.84) - "Fluent in all things retro, from jump blues to torch ballads to rockabilly, May masterfully conjures the spirits of Peggy Lee and Gene Vincent." Mojo (Publisher) (p.102) - 4 stars out of 5 -- "Imelda May can voice rockin' blues, slap-bass rockabilly and smoky torch jazz and she can do it incredibly well."

Imelda May's sophomore album offers more of her jazzy, unabashedly catchy retro pop, so sincere and energetic it gives many 2000s pop stars a run for their money -- though May somehow underexplores the rockabilly vibe, which is her prime gimmick, after all. Not that she abandons it: the first three cuts all sport muscular, bouncy basslines and that rock & roll sleaze that complements her powerful vocals so well. There are also "Sneaky Freak" and the closers, though, admittedly, one's a remix and the other a cover of "Tainted Love," no less: a cheeky pick that gets a great tongue-in-cheek rendition here. But all in all, it feels like May just needed to get the rock out of her system and jump into other things, just because she can. Some numbers are classic restaurant jazz, so strong and sensual that, had it been the 1930s, gangsters would have been all over her, and even Roger Rabbit would be prompted to thoughts of infidelity. There is also a waltz; a take on spy movie themes; a tune that sounds almost like a funeral song (though May can't really be depressing even if she tries; she has too much vitality); and a set of country numbers, which are the least impressive of the lot, but still have a low-key allure. The bottom line is that some of the immediacy of her rockabilly jazz is lost once she goes for romance and seduction, but Mayhem is still a fresh, invigorating record that is worth picking up, no matter what your musical convictions are; it's that good. ~ Alexey Eremenko

グラミーにおけるジェフ・ベックとの共演で株を上げたダブリン出身のロカビリー姐さん。デビュー作で印象付けた様式のおもしろさに縛られることなく、ますます奔放にやりたいことをやっている2作目の熱さといったら! サイコビリーなノリでSっぽく迫るリード曲“Psycho”や話題曲のカッコ良さだけでも十分昂ぶるが、クリッシー・ハインドを想起させるバラード表現も深みがあり、歌手としての実力もさらにくっきりね。
bounce (C)内本順一



