




在庫状況 について

フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2010年02月04日
国内/輸入 輸入
レーベルBrownswood Recordings
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 BWOOD041CD
SKU 5060180320461

構成数 : 1枚
合計収録時間 : 01:07:08
Liner Note Author: Jose James. Recording information: Lofish Studio, NCYC (04/2008-06/2009). Photographer: Hassan Hajjaj. When Gilles Peterson's Brownswood imprint released American vocalist and composer Jose James' debut album Dreamer, the effect in club culture and throughout the jazz communities in New York, Japan, and Europe was immediate. Jazz Times selected it as one of its albums of the year in 2008. James' voice echoed the social consciousness of Gil Scott-Heron, the hipness of Babs Gonzales, the sophistication of Jon Lucien, and the soulfulness of Terry Callier, whether he was improvising over a piano trio playing Mingus, or singing his own lyrics over electronic beats. On Blackmagic, James forges deeper into 21st century soul and experimental territory, without giving up his jazz chops. Enlisting Flying Lotus and a number of other producers, this is a late-night, groove record that allows hip-hop, club jazz, and lithe funk to accent -- rather than drive -- his smooth, sultry baritone. His approach, while more innovative this time out, feels no less organic. The set kicks off with "Code," produced by Flying Lotus. A Rhodes piano, congas, languid bassline, the sounds of scratchy vinyl, backing vocals, and ambient sounds underscore James' vocal; phrasing only a few words at a time as hip hop beats and skittering loops permeate his lines. Likewise, the ethereal title track shivers with sensual invitation via a mercurial groove created by Flying Lotus with guitars, elegantly caressed snares, and James answering his more declamatory sung lines with crooning improvisations. "Lay You Down" is a neo-soul babymaker, with a handclap a la D'Angelo as the basis for its pulse. James' airy delivery is the melodic instrument as horns, Rhodes, bass, and drums fill the space dimensionally. "Warrior" is an uptempo groover using Benga's "Emotions" dubstep rhythm as its ground before kit drum breaks, basses, and the woven textures of acoustic and electric pianos push from underneath; James chants/sings in call and response with himself. "Detroit Loveletter" is a telltale Moodymann production. It's an utterly seductive soul-by-cut-groove ballad, with a funky shimmering bassline, dreamy backing vocals, and wistful keys; James' vocal hovers above this mix. The grain in his voice beckons the listener to pleasures unnamed but unmistakable. As a whole, Blackmagic is skillfully sequenced and intelligently arranged to avoid neo-soul or jazz cliches -- there isn't a hint of artifice on it. This is 21st century jazzed-out soul at its best; and in the spirit of both traditions, it creates something new from traces of the familiar. ~ Thom Jurek

  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
    2. 2.
    3. 3.
      Lay You Down
    4. 4.
      Promise in Love
    5. 5.
    6. 6.
      Made for Love
    7. 7.
      Save Your Love for Me
    8. 8.
      The Greater Good
    9. 9.
    10. 10.
      Detroit Loveletter
    11. 11.
      Love Conversation
    12. 12.
    13. 13.
      No Tellin' (I Need You)
    14. 14.
      The Light


アーティスト: Jose James

アーティスト: DJ MitsuJordana De LovelyMoodymannTaylor McFerrin

エンジニア: Alex Nizich



本格派ジャズ・ヴォーカリスト、ホセ・ジェイムズが贈る新世代のアーバン・ジャズ・スタンダード。2008年、ジャイルス・ピーターソンのレーベル<Brownswood>よりアルバム『The Dreamer』でデビュー。以降、ニコラ・コンテのアルバムやライヴへの参加、その他ティモ・ラッシーやベースメント・ジャックスなどの作品にゲスト・ヴォーカルとして参加。スモーキーで艶めかしいホセの歌声は、ジャズという括りを超え多くの人々を魅了している。そんな彼のセカンド・アルバムである本作は、新世代のアーバン・ジャズ・スタンダード作品として聴き継がれるであろう素晴らしい内容。かつての偉大なジャズ・アーティストたちが示してきたアティテュードを、新たなるジャズ・スピリットを通して世界中に伝える!ゲストにはジョン・コルトレーンの甥であるフライング・ロータス、デトロイトの鬼才ムーディーマン、日本からはミツ・ザ・ビーツと世界的なビートメイカーたちが参加。
発売・販売元 提供資料

When Gilles Peterson's Brownswood imprint released American vocalist and composer Jose James' debut album Dreamer, the effect in club culture and throughout the jazz communities in New York, Japan, and Europe was immediate. Jazz Times selected it as one of its albums of the year in 2008. James' voice echoed the social consciousness of Gil Scott-Heron, the hipness of Babs Gonzales, the sophistication of Jon Lucien, and the soulfulness of Terry Callier, whether he was improvising over a piano trio playing Mingus, or singing his own lyrics over electronic beats. On Blackmagic, James forges deeper into 21st century soul and experimental territory, without giving up his jazz chops. Enlisting Flying Lotus and a number of other producers, this is a late-night, groove record that allows hip-hop, club jazz, and lithe funk to accent -- rather than drive -- his smooth, sultry baritone. His approach, while more innovative this time out, feels no less organic. The set kicks off with “Code,” produced by Flying Lotus. A Rhodes piano, congas, languid bassline, the sounds of scratchy vinyl, backing vocals, and ambient sounds underscore James’ vocal; phrasing only a few words at a time as hip hop beats and skittering loops permeate his lines. Likewise, the ethereal title track shivers with sensual invitation via a mercurial groove created by Flying Lotus with guitars, elegantly caressed snares, and James answering his more declamatory sung lines with crooning improvisations. “Lay You Down” is a neo-soul babymaker, with a handclap a la D’Angelo as the basis for its pulse. James’ airy delivery is the melodic instrument as horns, Rhodes, bass, and drums fill the space dimensionally. “Warrior” is an uptempo groover using Benga's “Emotions” dubstep rhythm as its ground before kit drum breaks, basses, and the woven textures of acoustic and electric pianos push from underneath; James chants/sings in call and response with himself. “Detroit Loveletter” is a telltale Moodymann production. It’s an utterly seductive soul-by-cut-groove ballad, with a funky shimmering bassline, dreamy backing vocals, and wistful keys; James' vocal hovers above this mix. The grain in his voice beckons the listener to pleasures unnamed but unmistakable. As a whole, Blackmagic is skillfully sequenced and intelligently arranged to avoid neo-soul or jazz cliches -- there isn’t a hint of artifice on it. This is 21st century jazzed-out soul at its best; and in the spirit of both traditions, it creates something new from traces of the familiar. ~ Thom Jurek

ジャイルズ・ピーターソン主宰のブラウンズウッドから2年前にアルバム・デビューを果たし、その艶のある歌声で一気に多くのファンを獲得したジャズ・シンガーの新作。前作以降はベースメント・ジャックスやジャザノヴァ、ニコラ・コンテなど幅広い面々の作品に参加してキャリアを積み重ねてきた彼だけに、ここでもフライング・ロータスやムーディーマン、DJ Mitsu the Beatsらのクラブ系クリエイターがシンプルながらも素晴らしいプロダクションでヴォーカルを好サポートしている。そうした顔合わせの妙を除けば特別に新しいことをやっているわけではないけど、どこか懐かしい(それこそ往年のトーキング・ラウド的な)雰囲気がして、前作のようなジャズ・アルバムが好きだった人もきっと気に入るはず。
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