
This Year's Model





在庫状況 について

フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2008年03月07日
国内/輸入 輸入(アメリカ盤)
構成数 2
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 B001068102
SKU 602517606319

構成数 : 2枚
合計収録時間 : 02:09:55
THIS YEAR'S MODEL is packaged with a 28-page booklet that includes rare photos and printed song lyrics. Elvis Costello & The Attractions: Elvis Costello (vocals, guitar); Steve Nieve (keyboards); Bruce Thomas (bass); Pete Thomas (drums). Additional personnel: Mick Jones (guitar); Davey Payne (saxophone). Producer: Nick Lowe. Reissue producers: Gary Stewart, Val Jennings. Recorded between August 1977 and October 1978. Originally released on Columbia (35331). Includes liner notes by Elvis Costello. All tracks have been digitally remastered. Personnel: Elvis Costello (vocals, guitar); Elvis Costello; Mick Jones (guitar); Davey Payne (saxophone); Steve Nieve (keyboards); Bruce Thomas (bass guitar); Pete Thomas (drums, drum). Recording information: Basing Street Studios (1977-1978); Eden Studios, London, England (1977-1978); Leicester University, England (1977-1978); Warner Theater, Washington DC (1977-1978); Waterloo Studios, Sydney, Australia (1977-1978). Photographers: Roberta Bayley; Chris Gabrin. For his second album, Elvis Costello fine-tuned his aesthetic by abandoning the California studio cat accompanists of his debut for the more aggressive, quirky and very British Attractions, who would define EC's sound over the next several years. Where MY AIM IS TRUE highlighted Costello's rootsy influences (the Band, etc.), THIS YEAR'S MODEL wholeheartedly embraces the "new wave" out-with-the-old mindset, favoring tightly wound ferocity over back-porch-isms. Irresistibly catchy, in a twitchy, neurotic, white-knuckled way, THIS YEAR'S MODEL is Costello at his edgiest. The classic "Pump It Up" pummels the listener with garage-band organ, pounding drums, and HIGHWAY 61 REVISITED-style ranting. "Radio, Radio" turned into something of an anti-authoritarian anthem for Costello. The snaky guitar and reggae-tinged drums of "I Don't Want to Go to Chelsea" complement his verge-of-a-nervous-breakdown vocal performance nicely. Come to think of it, so does nearly everything else here.

  1. 1.[CDアルバム] DISC 1: THIS YEAR'S MODEL:
    1. 1.
      No Action

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    2. 2.
      This Year's Girl

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    3. 3.
      Beat, The

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    4. 4.
      Pump It Up

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    5. 5.
      Little Triggers

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    6. 6.
      You Belong to Me

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    7. 7.
      Hand in Hand

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    8. 8.
      (I Don't Want to Go To) Chelsea

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    9. 9.
      Lip Service

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    10. 10.
      Living in Paradise

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    11. 11.
      Lipstick Vogue

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    12. 12.
      Night Rally

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    13. 13.
      Radio, Radio

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    14. 14.
      Big Tears

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    15. 15.
      Crawling to the USA

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    16. 16.
      Tiny Steps

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    17. 17.
      Running out of Angels - (demo)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    18. 18.
      Greenshirt - (demo)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    19. 19.
      Big Boys - (demo)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    20. 20.
      Neat, Neat, Neat - (live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    21. 21.
      Roadette Song - (live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    22. 22.
      This Year's Girl - (alternate take, Alternate Basing Street Studios Version)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    23. 23.
      (I Don't Want to Go To) Chelsea [Alternate Basing Street Studios Versio - (alternate take)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    1. 1.
      Pump It Up - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    2. 2.
      Waiting for the End of the World - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    3. 3.
      No Action - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    4. 4.
      Less Than Zero - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    5. 5.
      Beat, The - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    6. 6.
      (The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    7. 7.
      (I Don't Want to Go To) Chelsea - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    8. 8.
      Hand in Hand - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    9. 9.
      Little Triggers - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    10. 10.
      Radio, Radio - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    11. 11.
      You Belong to Me - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    12. 12.
      Lipstick Vogue - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    13. 13.
      Watching the Detectives - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    14. 14.
      Mystery Dance - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    15. 15.
      Miracle Man - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    16. 16.
      Blame It on Cain - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello

    17. 17.
      Chemistry Class - (previously unreleased, live)

      アーティスト: Elvis Costello


アーティスト: Elvis Costello

アーティスト: Mick Jones (The Clash)
エンジニア: Roger Bechirian


エルヴィス・コステロ&ジ・アトラクションズとして78年に発表され名盤と絶賛されている「ジス・イヤーズ・モデル」が30周年記念としてコステロ自らが選曲に携わった2枚組として復活。Disc 1にはオリジナル・ヴァージョン13曲に加えて、デモ・ヴァージョン、ライヴ・ヴァージョン、別テイク、B面曲など10曲を収録、Disc2には78年2月にワシントンDCのワーナー・シアターでの伝説的なライヴを完全収録している。全17曲のうち16曲が未発表という貴重な内容となっている。

Rolling Stone (p.60) - 5 stars out of 5 -- "The music is surprisingly lush and pretty....Yet it's all punk rage, thanks to Pete Thomas' drums and Steve Nieve's cranky organ." Rolling Stone (12/11/03, p.118) - Ranked #98 in Rolling Stone's "500 Greatest Albums Of All Time" - "...The most 'punk' of Costello's records....Costello vs. the world. And Costello wins..." Rolling Stone (2/28/02, p.61) - 5 stars out of 5- "...Loosed punk's bilious hyperactivity upon the soul-based virtuosity of pub rock....uncoiling with an intensity Costello rarely equaled afterward..." Spin (12/03, p.122) - "...Some of the most stinging songs ever committed to record...' Spin (p.102) - "His nastiest and most awesome record..." Entertainment Weekly (2/22/02, p.149) - "...Redefined the quirky troubadour as bilious rocker...For those alienated by his C&W and classical forays, this is a reminder of the black-hearted virtuoisty they fell for in the forst place." - Rating: A+ Q (6/00, p.62) - Ranked #82 in Q's "100 Greatest British Albums" Q (5/02 SE, p.135) - Included in Q's "100 Best Punk Albums". Q (11/93, p.143) - 4 Stars - Excellent - "...THIS YEAR'S MODEL shows the benefits of [Costello] establishing his own band..." Uncut (p.84) - 5 stars out of 5 -- "[H]e delivered a scathing attack on everything from his own status as Next Big Thing to celebrity culture to boy-girl romance itself, all backed with The Attractions' wired intensity." Uncut (1/03, p.97) - Included in Uncut's "100 Best Albums of the Year" Mojo (Publisher) (p.120) - 4 stars out of 5 -- "[I]t still dazzles....His goggle-eyed legacy remains inspiring." Mojo (Publisher) (3/02, p.122) - "...The petulant intensity strikes you first. It's all gall. With his part Dylan, part Lydon, part, ahem, Graham Parker delivery, he was so 'cross'..." Paste (magazine) - "Songs like 'Pump It Up' and 'Radio, Radio' are as energetic as anything in his catalog..." Record Collector (magazine) (p.90) - 4 stars out of 5 -- "THIS YEAR'S MODEL was the post-punk distillation of the times, especially in its portraits of London."



2020/05/11 よしさん

