
Overpowered (EU)





在庫状況 について

フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2007年10月15日
国内/輸入 輸入(ヨーロッパ盤)
レーベルEMI UK
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 X5113252
SKU 5099951132521

構成数 : 1枚
合計収録時間 : 00:59:41

  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.

      アーティスト: Roisin Murphy

    2. 2.
      You Know Me Better

      アーティスト: Roisin Murphy

    3. 3.
      Checkin' on Me

      アーティスト: Roisin Murphy

    4. 4.
      Let Me Know

      アーティスト: Roisin Murphy

    5. 5.
      Movie Star

      アーティスト: Roisin Murphy

    6. 6.

      アーティスト: Roisin Murphy

    7. 7.

      アーティスト: Roisin Murphy

    8. 8.
      Dear Miami

      アーティスト: Roisin Murphy

    9. 9.
      Cry Baby

      アーティスト: Roisin Murphy

    10. 10.
      Tell Everybody

      アーティスト: Roisin Murphy

    11. 11.
      Scarlet Ribbons

      アーティスト: Roisin Murphy

    12. 12.
      Body Language

      アーティスト: Roisin Murphy

    13. 13.
      Parallel Lives

      アーティスト: Roisin Murphy


アーティスト: Roisin Murphy


Molocoとしてマーク・ブライドンと共に4枚のアルバムをリリースし、Herbertをプロデューサーに迎えたファースト・アルバムも高い評価を得たローシーン・マーフィーの2作目!彼女自ら作曲とプロデューサーを手掛け、Seiji、Andy Cato(Groove Armada)、Jimmy Douglass, III Factorなどが参加。エッジーなポップさと病みつきになるディスコサウンドが混ざった究極のエレクトロ・ダンス・ミュージックが展開されております!

Arty, cerebral, and sometimes downright kooky, R is n Murphy zigs where other British pop singers zag. She's been one of pop's best-kept secrets since Moloko disbanded, edging her way toward a sound that isn't exactly mainstream but will give her the more widespread acclaim she deserves. For her first solo album, Ruby Blue, she collaborated with producer Matthew Herbert, who streamlined her sound into something creative but not gratingly quirky; even though "Rama Lama" ended up on So You Think You Can Dance, of all places, Ruby Blue wasn't quite a smash success. This time, Murphy teamed with Bugz in the Attic's Seiji, Groove Armada's Andy Cato, All Seeing I's Parrott & Dean, and Jimmy Douglass -- all forward-thinking producers, but with more conventionally pop sounds than Herbert's approach. Of course, by the late 2000s, even the most mainstream singles had at least a few unique production flourishes, so while Overpowered is without a doubt Murphy's most straightforward music yet, she hasn't sacrificed much to make it that way. With its sleek beats, bubbling synths, and nagging chorus, "Overpowered" closely resembles a state-of-the-art pop single, but the way Murphy sings of science and oxytocin over a heart-fluttering harp is unmistakably her. The rest of Overpowered follows suit, giving familiar sounds clever twists that will please longtime Murphy fans and win new ones. The effortless "You Know Me Better," "Let Me Know," and "Checkin' on Me" are chilly yet soulful, touching on disco, house, and '80s pop; "Movie Star" is Murphy's spin on Goldfrapp's glossy glam pop (and the only time she seems in danger of being overpowered by someone else's sound on the album). Even though these songs are immaculately crafted, there's plenty of life -- and Murphy's personality -- in them. "Primitive"'s synths and strings flit around like mosquitoes in a swamp as she wails "I need to let you out of your cage," while "Dear Miami"'s deadpan delivery and spare beats make it possibly the frostiest song ever written about global warming. Overpowered often feels less intimate than Ruby Blue, but that's a minor quibble, especially when "Scarlet Ribbons" shows off Murphy's tender side and the outstandingly crisp, bouncy, and sassy "Footprints" and "Body Language" rank with her best songs. Aptly enough for such a pop-focused album, nearly every song on Overpowered sounds like a potential smash hit. Even if this album is a bid for the big time, it's done with such flair that it just underscores what a confident and unique artist Murphy really is.|

bounce (C)池田 謙司
タワーレコード(2007年12月号掲載 (P87))



