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A Natural Death [PA]








フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2007年08月21日
国内/輸入 輸入(アメリカ盤)
レーベルKoch Records (USA)
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 KOCCD4228
SKU 099923422822

構成数 : 1枚
合計収録時間 : 00:55:36
HORSE the Band: Dash Arkenstone (baritone); Chris Prophet, David Isen, Erik Engstrom, Nathan Winneke. Personnel: Nathan Winneke (vocals); David Isen (guitar); Erik Engstrom (keyboards, sampler); Chris Prophet (drums). Audio Mixer: Brian Virtue . Recording information: Stagg Street Studios; Where's My Check Studios, Los Angeles, CA. Unknown Contributor Role: Erik Engstrom. By using special keyboards that mimic the eight-bit sound of early Nintendo games, Horse the Band has built a career on combining retro NES sounds with the metallic thud of noise-rock. A Natural Death continues that tradition -- the liner notes even list the Gameboy as one of Erik Engstrom's three instruments -- but the arrival of replacement drummer Chris Prophet has also strengthened the band's metal tendencies. Prophet's drumming is feverishly precise, a flurry of crisp 16th notes and brain-jolting snare hits, and the band seems newly energized (and perhaps a bit more diligent, not unlike a classroom's reaction to a demanding new teacher) as a result. Lyrics that would normally incite laughter (e.g., "Don't feed the bears! Or the bears will feed on you!") are now more likely to incite moshpits, with frontman Nathan Winneke furthering the harsh atmosphere in a guttural, growling voice. It's impressive and often downright scary, which is likely the result this band is looking to generate. Of course, the Nintendo influence is still there. Sandwiched between the band's hardcore riffage are those unforgettable sounds from the '80s, including the nostalgic "warping noise" that Mario used to make. The bizarrely titled "Sex Raptor" takes things a step further, adding a touch of Duran Duran to what could otherwise pass as a B-side from Megaman II. Keeping up with this game can be difficult -- at 16 tracks, it's a long album -- but A Natural Death is still oddly enjoyable, striking a balance between novel and novelty. If that doesn't float your boat, perhaps the joke's on you. ~ Andrew Leahey
録音 : ステレオ (Studio)

  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.

      アーティスト: Horse The Band

    2. 2.

      アーティスト: Horse The Band

    3. 3.
      Startling Secret of Super Sapphire, The

      アーティスト: Horse The Band

    4. 4.
      Beach, The

      アーティスト: Horse The Band

    5. 5.
      Face of Bear

      アーティスト: Horse The Band

    6. 6.

      アーティスト: Horse The Band

    7. 7.
      New York City

      アーティスト: Horse The Band

    8. 8.
      Sex Raptor

      アーティスト: Horse The Band

    9. 9.
      Broken Trail

      アーティスト: Horse The Band

    10. 10.
      Red Tornado, The

      アーティスト: Horse The Band

    11. 11.
      Treasure Train

      アーティスト: Horse The Band

    12. 12.
      His Purple Majesty

      アーティスト: Horse The Band

    13. 13.
      Kangarooster Meadows

      アーティスト: Horse The Band

    14. 14.
      Rotting Horse

      アーティスト: Horse The Band

    15. 15.
      I Think We Are Both Suffering from the Same Crushing Metaphysical Crisi

      アーティスト: Horse The Band

    16. 16.

      アーティスト: Horse The Band


アーティスト: Horse The Band

プロデューサー: Brian Virtue; Brian Virtue


古きよき8ビット・ゲーム・ミュージックとエモを融合させた“ニンテンドーコア”界を代表するバンド、Horse The Bandの2年ぶりとなるアルバムが登場!チープなキーボードと激しいギター、疾走感あふれる演奏の奇妙なハーモニーが魅力。さまざまなアーティストのスーパーマリオのカヴァーがYouTubeで話題になるなど、いま熱いファミコン音楽。次に来るのはコレか!?

Alternative Press (p.166) - 4 stars out of 5 -- "[T]he group have graduated from intriguing instrumental non sequiturs to a cohesive and surprisingly cinematic album." Kerrang (Magazine) (p.50) - "[W]ith the quintet seemingly bouncing off the studio walls....The riffs will grab you by the neck..."

もうアレだな、ココまでくると完全に世も末だな(笑)。かねてからアングラ・シーンで話題となっていたLA発のニンテンドー・コア・バンドがいよいよメジャー・デビュー! 緊張感溢れるカオティック・ハードコアのなかに、ゲーム音楽をサンプリングしたチープなピコピコ音が突如入ってきた時の脱力感ったら……。ロカスト、デリンジャー・エスケイプ・プランに次いでハードコアの未来像を映し出す変態天才集団に完全腰砕け。
bounce (C)塀戸門家
タワーレコード(2008年04月号掲載 (P78))



