
Flash Gordon (Original Soundtrack)





在庫状況 について

フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 1994年04月05日
国内/輸入 輸入
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 89499
SKU 077778949923

構成数 : 1枚
合計収録時間 : 00:35:10
Queen: Freddie Mercury (vocals, synthesizer), Brian May (guitar, synthesizer, vocals), John Deacon (bass, guitar, synthesizer), Roger Taylor (drums, synthesizer, vocals). All songs written by members of Queen. Personnel: Brian May (vocals, guitar, banjo, keyboards, synthesizer); Freddie Mercury (vocals, piano, synthesizer); Roger Taylor (vocals, synthesizer, drums); John Deacon (guitar, synthesizer, bass guitar). Audio Mixers: Josh MacRae; Alan Douglas . Recording information: Advison; Anvil Studios, Denham, England; The Music Centre; The Town House; Utopia Studios. Photographer: Neal Preston. Arrangers: Queen; Howard Blake. FLASH GORDON was the motion picture soundtrack for the 1980 movie, released just a few months after one of Queen's most commercially successful albums, THE GAME. More synthesizer-heavy than previous releases, FLASH GORDON is comprised mostly of short instrumentals, with a pair of more traditional Queen songs bookending the album. With dialogue from the movie inserted throughout, it is easy for the listener to grasp the storyline, and to tell which scenes the songs represent. "Flash's Theme" was the soundtrack's anthemic single, which begins the album on a high note. Then the onslaught of instrumentals begins. The majority can be appreciated outside the story's context--such as "Football Fight" and "Vultan's Theme (Attack Of The Hawk Men)." Others are closely linked to the storyline--"In The Space Capsule," "In The Death Cell," "The Kiss" and "Marriage Of Dale And Ming"--but are still enjoyable. Although it doesn't quite match the majesty of an official Queen album, FLASH GORDON contains plenty of first-rate compositions, including one of their most underrated tunes, "The Hero," which closes the soundtrack.
録音 : ステレオ (Studio)

  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      Flash's Theme

      アーティスト: Queen

    2. 2.
      In the Space Capsule (The Love Theme)

      アーティスト: Queen

    3. 3.
      Ming's Theme (In the Court of Ming the Merciless)

      アーティスト: Queen

    4. 4.
      The Ring (Hypnotic Seduction of Dale)

      アーティスト: Queen

    5. 5.
      Football Fight

      アーティスト: Queen

    6. 6.
      In the Death Cell (Love Theme Reprise)

      アーティスト: Queen

    7. 7.
      Execution of Flash

      アーティスト: Queen

    8. 8.
      The Kiss (Aura Resurrects Flash)

      アーティスト: Queen

    9. 9.
      Arboria (Planet of the Tree Men)

      アーティスト: Queen

    10. 10.
      Escape from the Swamp

      アーティスト: Queen

    11. 11.
      Flash to the Rescue

      アーティスト: Queen

    12. 12.
      Vultan's Theme (Attack of the Hawk Men)

      アーティスト: Queen

    13. 13.
      Battle Theme

      アーティスト: Queen

    14. 14.
      The Wedding March

      アーティスト: Queen

    15. 15.
      Marriage of Dale and Ming (And Flash Approaching)

      アーティスト: Queen

    16. 16.
      Crash Dive on Mingo City

      アーティスト: Queen

    17. 17.
      Flash's Theme Reprise (Victory Celebrations)

      アーティスト: Queen

    18. 18.
      The Hero

      アーティスト: Queen


アーティスト: Queen



Uncut (p.97) - 3 stars out of 5 -- "FLASH GORDON sounds like a rocked-up BBC Radiophonic Workshop experiment..." Which CD - Performance 7 / Sound 8

While writing and recording The Game, Queen were asked by renowned movie director Dino DeLaurentis to provide the soundtrack for his upcoming sci-fi epic Flash Gordon. The band accepted and promptly began working on both albums simultaneously. Although at first many fans criticized Flash Gordon since it was issued as an official Queen release rather than a motion picture soundtrack, it has proven to be one of rock's better motion picture soundtracks over the years. The majority of the music is instrumental, with dialogue from the movie in place of Freddie Mercury's singing (only two tracks contain lyrics), but the songwriting is still unmistakably Queen. Highlights abound, such as "Football Fight," "Vultan's Theme (Attack of the Hawkmen)," "The Wedding March," and the heavy metal roar of "Battle Theme." But it was the two more conventional songs that were the album's two best tracks -- the anthemic U.K. Top Ten hit "Flash's Theme" and the woefully underrated rocker "The Hero." With Queen involved, Flash Gordon is certainly not your average, predictable soundtrack. ~ Greg Prato

クイーンが映画音楽に挑んだ異色作。 フラッシュ!!!!アアーーーーーー 『フラッシュ・ゴードン』(1980) サウンドトラック 音楽 クイーン (追加作曲 ハワード・ブレイク) 監督 マイク・ホッジス 製作 ディノ・デ・ラウレンティス 主演 サム・ジョーンズ、マックス・フォン・シドー、 メロディ・アンダーソン 監督は、なんと、あの「狙撃者」の監督マイク・ ホッジス。ラウレンティスでしか考え付かないような、 下世話SFアドベンチャーの快作・怪作となった カルトだが、独特の光を放ったクイーンの音楽も 要チェック。「フラッシュ!アアー」のあの有名なキャッチー なテーマからスタート、ロック・バンドがSFのスコアに 挑戦した異色盤として、TOTOの「砂の惑星」と 聞き比べるのも面白いかもしれません。 クイーンとこのサントラにまつわる詳細は、日本盤 の吉田俊宏氏の解説に詳しく、必読。 80年代サントラの異色の一枚。 (C)馬場敏裕



