Rolling Stone (12/25/03, p.109) - Included in Rolling Stone's "50 Best Albums of 2003"
Rolling Stone (6/26/03, p.72) - 4 stars out of 5 - "...There are so many delicious melodies here, so much that's both soothing and twisted and catchy, so much to sing along with, even if our prognosis is grim..."
Spin (7/03, pp.103-4) - "...THIEF seesaws between the chill of sequencers and the warmth of fingers on strings and keys....It's strewn with the burnished, elongated melodies that have made them the most diversely covered band since the Beatles..." - Grade: A
Entertainment Weekly (6/6/03, pp.76-7) - "...Like all Radiohead albums, it's a slow grower, a densely packed collection of rapidly mutating sounds and surfaces that takes a while to comprehend..." - Rating: A-
Q (01/01/04, p.82) - Ranked #11 in Q's "The 50 Best Albums of 2003" - "[T]here are classic Yorke moments throughout..."
Uncut (01/04, pp.84-7) - Ranked #26 in Uncut's "Albums Of The Year 2003"
Uncut (6/03, p.112) - 4 stars out of 5 - "...Deep, broad and sprawling....It is a magnificently engaging and expansive work..."
CMJ (12/29/03, p.5) - Ranked #3 in CMJ's "Top 10 of 2003" - "Fourteen tracks of political anger, aggressive guitars, [and] thumping drum machines..."
Vibe (7/03, p.145) - 4 out of 5 - "...Radiohead's definition of pop has evolved from guitar-driven tracks with a Beatles influence to textured, willfully complex songs dripping with Pink Floyd-like ambition..."
Mojo (Publisher) (01/01/04, p.59) - Ranked #6 in Mojo's "The Best of 2003" - "[Marries] Radiohead's cerebal laptop wielding side with the rock might of THE BENDS."
Pitchfork (Website) - "[A] well-sequenced collection of songs that finds them internalizing the blend of experimental electronics and straightforward rock they wore so far out on their sleeves just a few years earlier."
ロック界にとっても彼ら自身にとっても一大転機となった2部作──『Kid A』および『Amnesiac』から2年、引き続きナイジェル・ゴッドリッチと共同プロデュースした新作が登場。詞の面では〈邪悪で巨大な得体の知れぬ権力に対峙するヒューマニティー〉とでも総括できそうな統一感がある一方、サウンド面はかつてないほど多彩だ。聴き手をアブストラクトな混沌の坩堝に放り込むエレクトロニック・トラックから、ピアノを伴った美しいバラードやルーツ的な趣のギター・ロックまで、一切制限を設けずにクリエイティヴィティーの蓄積を瞬間的エネルギーに包んで放出したかのよう。1年間の実験的作業から誕生した前2作品に対して今回は2か月でレコーディングが完了したことからも窺えるとおり、本作はユニットとして成熟した絶好調な状態を誇示するキャリアの集大成と呼べるものかもしれない。
bounce (C)新谷 洋子
タワーレコード(2003年06月号掲載 (P73))