
The Bourne Supremacy





在庫状況 について

フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2004年07月20日
国内/輸入 輸入(ドイツ盤)
レーベルVarese Sarabande
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 VSD6592
SKU 4005939659226

構成数 : 1枚
合計収録時間 : 00:00:00
Composer: John Powell . The espionage genre requires a soundtrack as taut as its subject matter, so it came as no surprise when composer John Powell (The Bourne Identity) (The Italian Job) signed on to score the second installment of Robert Ludlum's popular Jason Bourne series. Powell expands on the themes from the previous film, adding a bevy of nervous percussion to the already tense staccato string motif that follows Matt Damon as he circumnavigates the globe to clear his name in the sequel, The Bourne Supremacy. This time around, the composer reins in some of the first film's bombast, allowing the spaces between the orchestral and electronic bursts to simmer in anticipation, resulting in a more refined and elegant score. Moby provides the film's closing credits with "Extreme Ways," a track that also appeared in the first film. ~ James Christopher Monger

  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      Bourne Supremacy: Goa, The

      アーティスト: John Powell

    2. 2.
      Bourne Supremacy: The Drop, The

      アーティスト: John Powell

    3. 3.
      Bourne Supremacy: Funeral Pyre, The
    4. 4.
      Bourne Supremacy: Gathering Data, The
    5. 5.
      Bourne Supremacy: Nach Deutshland, The
    6. 6.
      Bourne Supremacy: To the Roof, The
    7. 7.
      Bourne Supremacy: New Memories, The
    8. 8.
      Bourne Supremacy: Berlin Foot Chase, The
    9. 9.
      Bourne Supremacy: Alexander Platz / Abbotts Confesses, The
    10. 10.
      Bourne Supremacy: Moscow Wind Up, The
    11. 11.
      Bourne Supremacy: Bim Bam Smash, The
    12. 12.
      Bourne Supremacy: Atonement, The
    13. 13.
      Extreme Ways - Moby


アーティスト: John Powell


The espionage genre requires a soundtrack as taut as its subject matter, so it came as no surprise when composer John Powell (The Bourne Identity) (The Italian Job) signed on to score the second installment of Robert Ludlum's popular Jason Bourne series. Powell expands on the themes from the previous film, adding a bevy of nervous percussion to the already tense staccato string motif that follows Matt Damon as he circumnavigates the globe to clear his name in the sequel, The Bourne Supremacy. This time around, the composer reins in some of the first film's bombast, allowing the spaces between the orchestral and electronic bursts to simmer in anticipation, resulting in a more refined and elegant score. Moby provides the film's closing credits with "Extreme Ways," a track that also appeared in the first film. ~ James Christopher Monger|


音楽 ジョン・パウエル
監督 ポール・グリーングラス(『ヴァージン・フライト』)
原作 ロバート・ラドラム
主演 マット・デイモン、フランカ・ポテンテ

音楽は前作に引き続き、今や人気絶頂のジョン・パウエル。ファンを急増させた前作『ボーン・アイデンティティー』同様、もうお手のものとばかり、さまざまなアイデアで緊迫感を次々盛り上げる。ギターは、名手ジョージ・ドーリングとパウエル自身。ドラムにヴィニー・カリウータも参加。とにかく、チェイス・シーン・サウンドだらけの超緊迫ハイテンション・スコア。 (C)馬場敏裕



