
Ars Longa Vita Brevis





在庫状況 について

フォーマット CDアルバム
発売日 2003年10月13日
国内/輸入 輸入
構成数 1
パッケージ仕様 -
規格品番 SNAP164CD
SKU 803415116423

構成数 : 1枚
合計収録時間 : 00:56:21
This 1998 reissue contains bonus tracks. The Nice: Lee Jackson (vocals, bass); Keith Emerson (piano, organ); Brian Davison (drums). This eight-track release by progressive rockers Nice includes "Dady Where Did I Come From," "Littl Arabella," and "Happy Freuds." Japanese release. CD comes in Jpn LP Sleeve. Liner Note Author: Bill McAllister. Photographer: Gered Mankowitz. The Nice's second album, and their first as a trio, was a genuinely groundbreaking effort, and now it sounds the way it was always supposed to. The 1998 Castle Communications reissue (ESM 646), part of its Essential Masters series, puts even the version in the 1995 Charly box to shame -- that was clean and clear, where this is bright, with a much more solid high end and richer bass as well. The energy of the band's playing comes through, along with enough detail to allow you to hear the action on the keyboards in some instances. This is not only the first Nice album to sound as good as the ELP remasters of a couple of years ago, but to match the best of the latter for substance. The "bonus tracks" are merely the monaural single masters of "Daddy, Where Did I Come From" and "Happy Freuds," when ideally "America" would have been on this CD where it belongs (and where it was, on the American version of the original LP). ~ Bruce Eder
録音 : ステレオ (Studio)

  1. 1.[CDアルバム]
    1. 1.
      Daddy, Where Did I Come From?

      アーティスト: Nice (90's)

    2. 2.
      Little Arabella

      アーティスト: Nice (90's)

    3. 3.
      Happy Freuds

      アーティスト: Nice (90's)

    4. 4.
      Intermezzo for the Karelia Suite

      アーティスト: Nice (90's)

    5. 5.
      Don Edito el Gruva

      アーティスト: Nice (90's)

    6. 6.
      Ars Longa Vita Brevis: Prelude/1st Movement-Awakening/2nd Movement-Real - (Symphony For Group And Orchestra)

      アーティスト: Nice (90's)

    7. 7.
      America (2nd Amendment) - (Bonus Track)

      アーティスト: Nice (90's)

    8. 8.
      Diamond-Hard Blue Apples of the Moon - (Bonus Track)

      アーティスト: Nice (90's)

    9. 9.
      Daddy, Where Did I Come From? - (Bonus Track-Early Version)

      アーティスト: Nice (90's)

    10. 10.
      Brandenburger - (Bonus Track-Demo)

      アーティスト: Nice (90's)


アーティスト: The Nice

エンジニア: Don Brewer
プロデューサー: The Nice


Rolling Stone (6/14/69, p.37) - "...a sufficiently ambitious work....['Ars Longa Vita Brevis'] comes out as a showpiece for Emerson's considerable genius as a pianist, organist and composer..."



